Agricultural Fungicides

Leading Wholesaler, Retailer, Trader and Distributor of Adama Custodia Fungicide, Adama Cymagan Fungicide, Adama Shamir Fungicide, Adama Zamir Fungicide, Bayer Antracol Contact Fungicide, Bayer Antracol Fungicide, Bayer Buonos Fungicide, Indofil Avtar Fungicide, Indofil Baan Fungicide, Indofil M-45 Contact Fungicide, Indofil Moximate Fungicide, Indofil Sprint Fungicide and UPL Saaf Fungicide from Pune.

2,900.00 / Litre

10 Litre (MOQ)

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Business Type Supplier, Trader
Brand Name Adama
Application Agricultural
Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
Packaging Size 50ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml,1Ltr
Country of Origin India
State Liquid
Chemical Composition Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% w/w SC

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  • Custodia is a Broad spectrum fungicide for the control of many fungal pathogens & diseases.
  • Custodia has very good preventive & curative properties which provides flexibility & broad window of application.
  • It has a dual mode of action, hence it works at multiple stages of fungal development.
  • Custodia impacts positively on the physiological activity of the applied crop by improving the yield & quality of the produce thus fetching better price.

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1,300.00 / Kilogram

10 Kilogram (MOQ)

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Business Type Supplier, Trader
Brand Name Adama
Packaging Type Plastic Packet
Packaging Size 100gm,300gm,600gm,1200gm
Country of Origin India
State Powder
Chemical Composition Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP
Crops Grapes,Tomato, Cucumber
Formulation WP

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Cymagan is a combination of cyanocetamide oxime and dithiocarbamate group of fungicide with systemic and contact action. It is highly effective and specific to one particular group of fungi, the Oomycetes. Major crop disease in this group are grape downy mildew, potato and tomato late blight, Pythium rots and more.



  • Highly effective & specific to particular fungi
  • Fungicide with systemic & contact action
  • Blend of cyanoacetamide oxime & dithiocarbamate

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1,200.00 / Litre

10 Litre (MOQ)

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Business Type Supplier, Trader
Brand Name Adama
Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
Country of Origin India
Packaging Size 100ml, 250ml, 500ml,1Ltr
State Liquid
Formulation SC
Chemical Composition Tebuconazole 6.7% + Captan 26.9% w/w SC

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  • Shamir is a Novel fungicide with DUAL mode of action.
  • It has both Contact & Systemic action along with Translaminar properties.
  • It acts as a MULTI-SITE contact fungicide which inhibits the respiration and energy production in the fungus along with hindering STEROL biosynthesis resulting in inhibition of spore germination & restricting growth of the fungus.

Shamir acts on multiple stages of the fungal growth

  • Spore Germination
  • Haustoria
  • Hyphal Growth


Shamir gives excellent protection against Apple Scab, Chilli Anthracnose & fruit rot.


Key Features

  • Novel combination exhibiting both Contact & Systemic with Translaminar properties
  • Unique Dual Mode of action
  • Unique Product with easy to use SC formulation
  • Phyto tonic effect



  • Effective & efficient control of disease
  • Action on multiple stages of disease cycle
  • Resistance Management & Better coverage with higher rain-fastness
  • Better Vigor and Good Crop Stand



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1,900.00 / Litre

10 Litre (MOQ)

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Business Type Supplier, Trader
Brand Name Adama
Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
Packaging Size 250ml, 400ml, 1Ltr
Country of Origin India
Chemical Composition Prochloraz 24.4% + Tebuconazole 12.1% EW
State Liquid

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  • Zamir is a new fungicide belonging to Imidazole and Triazole groups.It has two kinds of Ergosterol inhibitors for effective control of fungi.
  • It exhibits faster action and reaches the site of action through multiple ways.
  • It has a new formulation – EW (Emulsion in Water)It also has a new active ingredient hence, suitable for resistant management.

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780.00 / Kilogram

10 Kilogram (MOQ)

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Business Type Supplier, Trader
Brand Name Bayer
Packaging Type Plastic Packet
Packaging Size 100gm, 250gm, 500gm, 1 Kg
Country of Origin India
State Powder
Chemical Composition Propineb70% WP
Crop All Crops
Formulation WP
Delivery Time 3-6 Days

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  • Preventive action to avoid disases infection.
  • No resistance due to Multi-site mechanism.
  • Supply crops with Zinc in the cases of nutrient deficiency.
  • Adaptable to every season (dry-rainy sea).

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780.00 / Kilogram

10 Kilogram (MOQ)

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Business Type Supplier, Trader
Brand Name Bayer
Country of Origin India
Packaging Size 100gm, 250gm, 500gm
State Powder
Packaging Type Packet
Chemical Composition Propineb 70%WP
Crop All Crop
Formulation WP

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  • Preventive action to avoid disases infection.
  • No resistance due to Multi-site mechanism.
  • Supply crops with Zinc in the cases of nutrient deficiency.
  • Adaptable to every season (dry-rainy sea)

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550.00 / Litre

10 Litre (MOQ)

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Business Type Supplier, Trader
Brand Name Bayer
Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
Packaging Size 250ml
Country of Origin India
State Liquid
Chemical Composition Tebuconazole 38.39%w/w SC

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  • Bayer Buonos fungicide is a leading chemical class of fungicide that belongs to the Triazole group.
  • Buonos fungicide bayer offers a wide range of solutions for multiple fungal pathogens in various crops.



  • Buonos (Tebuconazole) has multiple role as preventive ,curative and eradicative fungicide.
  • Buonos (Tebuconazole) gives a greening effect on crop foliage, and also it removes dirty panicles from Paddy. Hence it improves good quality grains.
  • Tebuconazole is also available as an Emulsifiable concentration (EC) formulation as FOLICUR (Tebuconazole 25.9% EC).

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830.00 / Kilogram

10 Kilogram (MOQ)

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Business Type Supplier, Trader
Brand Name Indofil
Packaging Size 100gm/250gm/500gm/1kg
Country of Origin India
State Powder
Chemical Formula C4H6N2S4Zn + C14H17Cl2N3O
Chemical Composition Zineb 68% + Hexaconazole 4%

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Avtar Fungicide is a fungicide by Indofil Industries Ltd. It contains zineb (68%) and hexaconazole (4% WG) chemicals. It is used to control diseases such as foliage, leaf blight/sheath blight, brown leaf spot and decolouration of grains. Avatar is an effective fungicide that is useful for all crops and vegetables.

  • Indofil Avtar Fungicide is a unique combination of Contact and systemic fungicide which controls all the major diseases of Crops.
  • Besides Controlling many diseases provides Zinc nutrition to the plants and shows phytotonic effects on plants resulting in dark coloured healthy leaves.
  • Avtar Fungicide with its multisite and systemic action, Gives excellent control of Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deutromycetes. Best molecule for Alternaria diseases and soil-borne fungi especially Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Sclerotium etc in many crops.


Time of Application:

  • For better disease management, it is always advisable to remember the maxim – PREVENTION IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN CURE.
  • Generally, the sprays of Avtar should start before the appearance of disease or at disease initiation. Repeat the applications at 8-12 days intervals depending on climatic conditions and disease severity.

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600.00 / Kilogram

10 Kilogram (MOQ)

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Business Type Supplier, Trader
Brand Name Indofil
Packaging Type Plastic Packet
Packaging Size 50gm, 120gm, 250gm
Country of Origin India
State Powder
Chemical Composition Tricyclazole 75% WP

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Location Anywhere in India
  • This is a specialty blasticide for Rice blast disease control, especially neck blast. For effective control of the blast disease on leaves and panicle, application at right time and at right dose is must.
  • It not only controls blast but significantly improves grain quality, grain shining, grain weight (yield) and reduces milling losses.


Mode of Action

It is a specialty systemic fungicide. The product is rapidly absorbed by rice plant and translocated towards leaf tips. It is a protectant fungicide that prevents the fungus from penetrating the plant. Inhibition occurs when the fungus attempts to penetrate and establish an infection site inside the plant. In rice blast, the melanin pigment is needed for the hardening of the appressorium and inhibition of the pigment formation in appressorium makes it unable to mechanically penetrate the host plant.


Special Features

  • The best Blasticide available in market
  • Long duration control of Rice Blast for more than two weeks
  • Very stable fungicide- not readily destroyed by sunlight and moisture
  • Upon absorption, it is systemically translocated in plant tissues, protect the entire plant from disease infection
  • Absorbed/ translocated fast in plant-need not spray again if it rains 1 hour after application
  • Improves grain yield, results in superior grain quality, which are heavier, shiny and upon milling gives highest recovery of full size grains



It should be applied as preventive spray starting from Nursery till grain filling. Application of Baan in nursery is subject to appearance of blast symptoms. After transplanting, first application against leaf blast should commence at tillering stage & second at 5% panicle emergence stage for effective control of blast disease.


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400.00 / Kilogram

10 Kilogram (MOQ)

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Business Type Supplier, Trader
Brand Name Indofil
Country of Origin India
Packaging Type Plastic Pack
Packaging Size 100gm, 250gm, 500gm, 1 Kg
Crop All Crops
Formulation WP
Chemical Composition Mancozeb 75%WP
State Powder

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  • Broad spectrum disease control - Indofil M-45 is an effective protectant fungicide which control diseases caused by all four major classes of plant pathogens in wide range of the cross.
  • King of fungicides - Widely used and trustworthy fungicide which offering effective control of wide of disease.
  • Wide spectrum use - Used for foliar sprays, seed treatment and nursery drenching in many crops.
  • Fit for resistance management - Due to multisite mode of action, the risk of resistance development is very low; therefore, it can be used repeatedly for number of years.
  • Cost effective - Cost benefits for disease control over non-EBDCs.
  • Provide nutrients - Potential health benefit to the plant by providing Manganese and Zinc as micro nutrients.
  • Prevent from frost damage- Best fungicide to be used along with systemic fungicides for protective and curative control of disease and to prevent of delay resistance development.
  • Environmentally safe – Low persistence in environment as it rapidly degrades in soil and water, no leaching potential.

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750.00 / Kilogram

10 Kilogram (MOQ)

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Business Type Supplier, Trader
Brand Name Indofil
Application Agricultural
Country of Origin India
Packaging Size 100gm,300gm,500gm, 600gm,1200gm
Chemical Composition Cymoxanil8% + Mancozeb64%
State Powder

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Location Anywhere in India

It is mixture of two fungicides- Mancozeb and Cymoxanil. The partner Mancozeb acts by its contact action. The mancozeb is fungitoxic when exposed to air. It is converted to an isothiocyanate, which inactivates the Sulphahydral (SH) groups in enzymes of fungi. Sometimes the metals are exchanged Fungicides between mancozeb and enzymes of fungi, thus causing disturbance in fungal enzyme functioning. Other partner Cymoxanil has contact and locally systemic activity. It inhibits Sporulation in fungi. 


Special Features

  • Specialty Dual action fungicide i.e. contact and locally systemic, which controls diseases by its protective as well as early curative action. Best for controlling resistant fungal population.
  • Good kick-back action – Controls fungi even after 2 days of infection. Specialty fungicide to control diseases caused by oomycetes fungi. (Downy mildew, late blight, etc.) Rapid uptake and trans-location in plant.
  • Long duration disease control.
  • Due to various actions on spores, viz – Inhibits spore germination, reduce spore viability and inhibits spores production, controls spread of disease.

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1,200.00 / Kilogram

10 Kilogram (MOQ)

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Business Type Supplier, Trader
Brand Name Indofil
Application Agricultural
Country of Origin India
Packaging Size 100gm/250gm/500gm/1kg
Chemical Composition Mancozeb 50% + Carbendazim 25% WS
State Powder

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Sprint Fungicide is a mixture of fungicide belonging to Ethelene bis-dithiocarbamate and benzimidazole chemistry for the control of seed and early soil-borne diseases of crops caused by Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, Imperfect fungi and Oomycetes group of fungi. Phytotonic activity has been reported with Sprint.



  • Broad-spectrum contact and systemic fungicide specially formulated for the control of seed and early soil-borne diseases
  • Helps in early, uniform and healthy germination
  • Improves the Seed germination and crop stand. Supplies ‘Mn’ and ‘Zn’ nutrition to the plants
  • Forms a uniform coating/layer around the seed surface and prevents fungal infection / kills the fungus

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450.00 / Kilogram

20 Kilogram (MOQ)

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Business Type Supplier, Trader
Brand Name UPL
Packaging Type Plastic Packet
Packaging Size 100gm/250gm/500gm
Country of Origin India
State Powder
Formulation WP
Chemical Composition Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP

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Saaf Fungicide is a systemic and contact fungicide that is used to prevent Leaf Spot Blast disease and Rust disease in all vegetable plants. It is highly effective and helps protect the plant for a lengthy period of time. It is applied by mixing 1 gram of Saaf with 1 litre of water and spraying over the treated crops. Can be used for both indoor and outdoor purposes.

  • Saaf is a proven & classic fungicide with systemic & contact action.
  • The most trusted & widely used dual mode of action fungicide (systemic and contact) and application helps to protect the plant for a lengthy period of time.
  • Saaf fungicide can be used for foliar spray and seed treatment as well.

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