Vegetable Seeds
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Leading Wholesaler, Retailer, Trader and Distributor of Advanta ADV 216 Hybrid Bhindi Seeds, Advanta ADV 268 Hybrid Cucumber Seeds, Advanta ADV 575 F1 Hybrid Tomato Seeds, Advanta AK 47 F1 Hybrid Chilli Seeds, Advanta EURO 2 Hybrid Cabbage Seeds, Advanta F1 Hybrid Lalima Beetroot Seeds, Advanta GS 10 Pea Seeds, Advanta Sugargraze Seeds, Ankur ARDL-183 Beans Seeds, Ankur Hritu Beans Seeds, Kalash Beetroot Seeds, Kalash Sowmya F1 Hybrid Ash Gourd Seeds, Mahyco Brinjal MAHY 9 Seeds, Mahyco MAHY 1 Hybrid Pumpkin Seeds, Mahyco MGH-4 Warad Hybrid Bottle Gourd Seeds, Mahyco MHRG 7 Ridge Hybrid Gourd Seeds, Mahyco MTNH 1 Hybrid Tinda Seeds, Mahyco Teja 4 MHCP 310 Hybrid Chilli Seeds, Sakata Kestrel Beetroot Hybrid Seeds, Seminis Green Voyager Cabbage Seeds, Seminis Virang Hybrid Tomato Seeds and Syngenta CFL 1522 Hybrid Cauliflower Seeds from Pune.
1,500.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
575.00 / Packet
100 Packet (MOQ)
2,050.00 / Pack
50 Pack (MOQ)
Buy Advanta Golden Seeds online at reasonable prices. We have a large range of Advanta Golden Seeds varieties.
700.00 / 1 Kilogram
100 Packet (MOQ)
360.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
Golden Euro 2 F1 Hybrid Cabbage Seed - 10 Gm · Uniform maturity hybrid · Field holding capacity 20 – 25 days ·
1,100.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
Erect, early maturing and vigorous growing hybrid. Tops are erect with bright green and glossy foliage. First harvesting 55-60 days after sowing. Roots are globe shaped, smooth, dark red, very sweet and free from zones. Size of root is 180 - 200g. Suitable for both fresh market and processing.
9000 - 10000 seeds in 200 gm packet or tin
320.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
Plant Type : Medium tall with well spread lateral branches No. of seeds : 9-10 / pod, Growing Period : May-June & September-October & April-March No. of pickings : 3 - 4
Tolerant to powdery mildew, Seed Type : Green colour, tender and very sweet
600.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
High yielding Nutritious Fodder , suitable for single cut
High Brix 16% to 18 % with high protein(11-13%) and high metabolisable Energy
Tall , thick, juicy stems with soft internodes
Good sustainability and Palatability
Suitable for Silage
High dry matter
Drought Tolerance
550.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
Vigorous viny growth with dense foliage.
Pods 10-12 per inflorescence, 7-8 cm long round pods.
Attractive green in colored and 7-8 cm long round pods.
First picking at 45-50 days.
Long cylindrical pods and early maturity.
Sowing Time: Kharif: July-August and Rabi: September-November.
250.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
1,200.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
250.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
Kalash Ashgourd Sowmya (50 Gm)
Fruits Are Square in Shape, 1st Picking 70-75 Days After Sowing, Uniform Fruit Size, It Is a Productive Hybrid Variety.
It Is a Productive Hybrid Which Gives Uniform Fruit Size
Good for Transport and Storage
Sowing Season : Kharif & Rabbi & Summer
Growing Period : May-June & September-October & April-March
Harvesting Period : August-September & November-December & July-August
Colour : Green
140.00 / Pack
20 Pack (MOQ)
Mahyco Brinjal Seeds MAHY 9
Green Long A very strong and high yielding plant with a long uniform shape fruit and a good canopy.
This variety is known for having less seed content and good taste.
Seed Specifications:
Fruit Shape : Long & Elongated
Fruit Weight : 50 - 60 gm
Calyx : Non Spiny Green
Long uniform shape fruits comes in bunches
Less seeds content & good taste
Green Long elongated fruits.
250.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
This variety with a oblong to long, heavy and orange yellow fruit is known to have a long shelf life.
Seed Specifications:
Fruit Shape : Oblong to long
Fruit Skin Colour : Orange Yellow with Regular Mosaic
Fruit Flesh Colour : Orange Yellow
Fruit Weight : 7 - 8 kg
Maturity : 100 - 110 days
250.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
Best suited for exports, this is a high yielding variety crop with longer shelf life. This attractive green fruit is appropriate for long distance transportation.
400.00 / Pack
50 Pack (MOQ)
This variety bearing shiny, long, green fruit with prominent ridges is an excellent prolific hybrid with many laterals along with high yield potential.
An average seed rate in Ridge gourd farming is about 5 kg to 6 kg / ha.
260.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
450.00 / Pack
50 Pack (MOQ)
Chillies Hybrid - Dual Purpose(Green & Red)
This short type and high yielding dual utility hybrid takes the form of dark green and shiny red fruits with more fruit weight. This high yielding variety is tolerant to disease and pests.
Fruit Colour (Immature, Mature) : Dark Green, Red
Fruit Length : 9 - 10 cm
Fruit Diameter : 0.9 - 1.0 cm
Fruit Surface : Moderate Wrinkles
Fruit Pungency : High
High yielding variety
1,000.00 / Kilogram
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
220.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
1,070.00 / Pack
50 Pack (MOQ)
590.00 / Pack
100 Pack (MOQ)
Wider sowing window.
Semi erect, medium plant with blue green leaves.
Moderate to good temperature tolerance.