Leading Wholesaler, Retailer, Trader and Distributor of Adama Agadi G Insecticide, Adama Agadi SC Insecticide, Adama Lamdex Super Insecticide, Adama Plethora Insecticide, Adama Takaf Insecticide, Bayer Belt Expert Insecticide, Bayer Confidor Insecticide, Bayer Lesenta Insecticide, Crystal Abacin Insecticide, Dhanuka Aaatank Insecticide, Dhanuka Lanevo Insecticide, Dhanuka Markar Insecticide, Dhanuka Media Insecticide, Dhanuka Media Super Insecticide, Dhanuka Mortar Insecticide, Dhanuka Omite Insecticide, Dhanuka Pager Insecticide, Indofil Dammu Insecticide, Indofil Rimon Insecticide, Tata Tafgor Insecticide and UPL Lancer Gold Insecticide from Pune.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Adama |
Packaging Type | Plastic Packet |
Packaging Size | 1Kg, 5Kg |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Powder |
Chemical Composition | Fipronil 0.3% GR |
Formulation | GR |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Agadi G belongs to the phenylpyrazole group. It is a broad spectrum insecticide, toxic by contact and ingestion.
Agadi G is also very effective for insects resistant or tolerant to pyrethroid cyclodiene, organophosphorous and / or carbamate insecticide
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Adama |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Packaging Size | 100ml/250ml/500ml/1Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Liquid |
Chemical Composition | Fipronil 5% SC |
Crop | Rice, Chilli, Sugarcane, Cotton |
Formulation | SC |
Delivery Time | 3-6 Days |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Agadi SC belongs to the phenylpyrazole group. It is a broad spectrum insecticide, toxic by contact and ingestion.
Agadi SC is also very effective for insects resistant or tolerant to pyrethroid, cyclodiene, organophosphorous and / or carbamate insecticide
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Adama |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Packaging Size | 100ml/250ml/500ml/1Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Liquid |
Chemical Composition | Lambda Cyhalothrin 5% EC |
Crop | Cotton, Rice, Brinjal, Tomato, Chilli |
Formulation | EC |
Delivery Time | 3-6 Days |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Lamdex Super is a non systemic, photostable third generation pyrethroid insecticide with contact and stomach action and repellent properties giving rapid knockdown and long residual activity. It acts by direct contact with insects or after ingestion. It is used in agriculture for the control of insects pests on a wide variety of crops.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Packaging Size | 50ml, 100ml, 350ml, 500ml, 1Ltr |
Brand Name | Adarna |
Application | Agricultural |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Country of Origin | India |
Chemical Composition | Novaluron 5.25% + Indoxacarb 4.5% w/w SC |
Delivery Time | 3-6 Days |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Plethora acts as a chitin synthesis inhibitor and also affects the insect nervous system by inhibiting sodium ions entry into nerve cells hence, the insecticide hampers moulting & also paralyses the insect.It has phytotonic effect on the crop.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Adama |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Packaging Size | 50ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1 Ltr |
Country of Origin | India,Made in India |
State | Liquid |
Chemical Composition | Diafenthiuron 47% + Bifenthrin 9.4% SC |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Diafenthiuron 47% + Bifenthrin 9.4% SC
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Bayer |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Country of Origin | India |
Packaging Size | 100ml |
State | Liquid |
Chemical Composition | Flubendiamide 240 + Thiacloprid 240 SC |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Bayer |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Packaging Size | 500ml |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Liquid |
Chemical Composition | Imidacloprid 17.8 Sl |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Imidacloprid belongs to chemical class of neonicotinoid insecticides. It exhibits excellent systemic properties and a significant residual activity.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Bayer |
Application | Agricultural |
Packaging Size | 40gm |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Powder |
Chemical Composition | Imidacloprid 40% + Fipronil 40% w/w WG (80 WG) |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Imidacloprid 40% + Fipronil 40% w/w WG (80 WG)Key PointsChemical compositionFipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WGDosageSugarcane: 175-200 gm/acre; Groundnut: 100-120 gm/acre,Method of applicationSpraySpectrumTo control White Grub.CompatibilityCompatible with most chemicalsDuration of effect10 daysFrequency of applicationDepends on pest incidence or severity of disease.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Crystal |
Packaging Size | 5ml ,100ml, 250ml , 500ml, 1Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Liquid |
Chemical Composition | Abamectin 1.9% EC |
Formulation | EC |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Packaging Size | 100ml/250ml/500ml/1Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Liquid |
Chemical Composition | Carbosulfan 25% EC) |
Formulation | EC |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Aaatank (Carbosulfan 25% EC) is a world renowned insecticide of carbonate group, which by its dual contact and stomach poison action, gives effective control of insects.
Mode of Action
Carbosulfan Biochemistry Cholinesterase inhibitor; activity is due to in vivo cleavage of the N-S bond, resulting in conversion to carbofuran. Mode of action Systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action.
Features & Benefits
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Packaging Type | Bottle |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Liquid |
Organic | Yes |
Crop | Vegetables |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
LANEVO offers enhanced and Broad-spectrum protection due to Dual Power Controls Major Harmful Sucking & Chewing Insect-Pest together.
Mode of Action
Insecticides acting on Sodium channels -It interfere in electrical signalling in the nervous system which impacts normal functioning of nervous system & ultimately leads to death of insects.
Insecticides acting on GABA Gated Chloride channels-Stops inhibitory signals to pass through nerve cells by controlling GABA (Gama Amino-Butyric Acid) which results in overexcitation in insect nervous system. This finally leads to starvation & death of insects.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Packaging Size | 100ml/250ml/500ml/1Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Liquid |
Chemical Composition | Bifenthrin 10% EC |
Formulation | EC |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Marker (Bifenthrin 10% EC) is a world-renowned, new generation, the broad-spectrum insecticide of Pyrethroid group. Markar through its contact and stomach action controls different types of larvae, whitefly, mites and jassids very effectively. Marker has strong bonding tendency in the soil thus it persists and exhibits longer duration extraordinary control of termite.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Packaging Size | 50ml/100ml/250ml/500ml/1Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Liquid |
Chemical Composition | Imidacloprid 17.8% SL |
Formulation | SL |
Dosage | 0.75 to 1 ml / litre of water, Suitable for Foliar Spray |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Media Insecticide: controls the Sucking pest of various crops very effectively. Media Super SC formulation helps to increase the efficiency of wetting, spreading and absorption on the leaf surface. Being systemic in nature, it is relatively safer to natural enemies and acts selectively on sucking pests.
Mode of Action: Media Super is a systemic insecticide that acts as an insect neurotoxin and belongs to a class of chemicals called the neonicotinoids which act on the central nervous system of insects.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Country of Origin | India,Made in India |
Packaging Type | 50ml,100ml,250ml,500ml,1Ltr |
State | Liquid |
Formulation | SC |
Chemical Composition | Imidacloprid 30.5% Sc |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Media Super (Imidacloprid 30.5% Sc) controls the Sucking pest of various crops very effectively. Media Super SC formulation helps to increase the efficiency of wetting, spreading and absorption on the leaf surface. Being systemic in nature, it is relatively safer to natural enemies and acts selectively on sucking pests.
Media Super is a systemic insecticide that acts as an insect neurotoxin and belongs to a class of chemicals called the neonicotinoids which act on the central nervous system of insects.
Features & Benefits
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Country of Origin | India |
Packaging Size | 250 G, 500 G and 1 Kg |
Chemical Composition | Cartap Hydrochloride 75% SG |
Formulation | SG |
Form | Powder |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Formulated with superior Japanese Technology, MORTAR is an exclusive SG formulation with Unique NTX Mode of Action. It's ovicidal, larvicidal & adulticidal action against the target pest leads to excellent control of target pest.
MORTAR attacks on Central nervous system through its unique NTX action and causes paralysis by blocking central nervous system of insects. It is having systemic, contact and translaminar action.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Packaging Size | 100ml/250ml/500ml/1Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Liquid |
Chemical Composition | Propargite 57% EC |
Crop | Brinjal, Chilli, Apple, Tea. |
Formulation | EC |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Omite Insecticide (Propargite 57% EC) is a true matricide of the sulphite ester group, which gives effective control of mites through its contact and fumigant action. Omite is registered in 72 countries for the control of 36 species of mites. It is also effective against those mites which gained resistance against other miticides. Omite Insecticide gives immediate protection to crops because the feeding activity of mites ceases immediately after its application.
Dosage:1.5ml to 2ml/liter of water
Mode Of Action: Omite acts by direct contact, residual contact and vapour action in the dense crop canopy. Omite Insecticide interferes with the key mite enzyme systems, which causes interruption of normal. metabolism, respiration and electron transport functions in the nervous system of mites.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Packaging Size | 100 g, 250 g, 500 g and 1 Kg |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Powder |
Chemical Composition | Diafenthiuron 50% WP |
Formulation | WP |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
PAGER INSECTICIDE It is unique chemical group allowing control of insects and mites resistant to major chemical classes such as OPs or Pyrethroids. Pager controls nymphs and adults and gives longer lasting control. Pager degrades into a urea derivative resulting in a Phyto tonic effect & selective to beneficial insects thus best fit in IPM programs.
Mode of action: Pager is a pro-insecticide, which has first to be converted to its active form. The active compound then acts on a specific part of the energy-producing enzymes in the mitochondria. This results in immediate paralysis of the pest after intake or contact with the product.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Indofil |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Packaging Size | 100ml/250ml/500ml |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Liquid |
Chemical Composition | Propargite 50% + Bifenthrin 5% SE |
Crop | Brinjal, Cabbage, Chilli, Okra |
Chemical Group | SE |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Mode of Action:
Dammu exhibits contact, Vapour, and stomach action. The active sulphite Easter works on Mites by disruption of respiration and metabolism function of mites and other active non-cyno-pyrethroid works on insect's nervous system, resulting in trembling or paralysis, which is usually followed by death of insects and mites.
Key Attributes:
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Indofil |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Packaging Size | 100ml/250ml/500ml/1Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
Chemical Composition | Novaluron 10 % EC |
State | Liquid |
Crop | Cabbage |
Chemical Formula | C17H9ClF8N2O4 |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Features and Benefits:
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Tata |
Packaging Type | Bottle |
Packaging Size | 100ml/250ml/500ml/1Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Liquid |
Chemical Composition | Dimethoate 30% EC |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Tafgor Insecticide is highly effective in controlling the caterpillars and sucking pests. It is compatible with other insecticides and fungicides also.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | UPL |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bag |
Packaging Size | 250gm, 1 Kg |
Country of Origin | India |
State | Powder |
Formulation | SP |
Chemical Composition | Acephate 50% + Imida 1.8% SP |
Delivery Time | 3-6 Days |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
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