Leading Wholesaler, Retailer, Trader and Distributor of Adama Agil Herbicide, Adama Dekel Herbicide, Adama Diurex Herbicide, Adama Galigan Herbicide, Adama Glyphogan Herbicide, Adama Metriagan Herbicide, Adama Shaked Herbicide, Adama Tamar Herbicide, Bayer Sencor Herbicide, Dhanuka Barrier Herbicide, Dhanuka Noweed Herbicide, Dhanuka Ozone Herbicide, Dhanuka Sakura Herbicide, Dhanuka Sempra Herbicide, Dhanuka Weedmar 80 Herbicide, Indofil Society Herbicide, Saffire G-Sef 71 Systemic Herbicide and UPL Iris Herbicide from Pune.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Adama |
Country of Origin | India |
Chemical Composition | Propaquizafop 10% EC |
Packaging Type | 100ml,250ml,500ml,1Ltr |
Form | Liquid |
Formulation | EC (Emulsifiable concentrate) |
Delivery Time | 3-6 Days |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
AGIL is a herbicide of the aryloxyphenoxy propionates family. It is used for the post emergence control of a wide range of annual and perennial grasses.
AGIL is used for selective weed control in many broadleaf crops such as sugarbeet, oilseed rape, soybeans, sunflower, other field crops, vegetables, fruit trees, vineyards and forestry and best result is achieved when sprayed at the 2-4 leaf stage.
AGIL is a systemic herbicide, which is quickly absorbed by the leaves and translocated from the foliage to the growing points of the leaves and roots of the sprayed weeds.
Rainfall 1 hour after application will not affect the product activity. Optimal activity is achieved when applied early and weeds are actively growing.
AGIL is safe to beneficial insects and mammals and is environmentally friendly.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Adama |
Country of Origin | India |
Form | Liquid |
Chemical Composition | Propaquizafop 5% + Oxyflurofen 12% w/w EC |
Packaging Size | 100ml,350ml,500ml,1Ltr |
Formulation | EC |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Dekel is a unique, strong contact and broad-spectrum herbicide for both grasses and broad-leaved weeds in the Onion crop. It combines two actives with two different modes of action, one with Lipid biosynthesis and the other with cell membrane disruption.
Dekel should be applied as early post-emergence on weeds when they are at 2-4 leaf stage with adequate moisture in the soil.
It provides Long duration control with foliar and residual activity.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Adama |
Packaging Size | 500gm |
Country of Origin | India |
Packaging Type | Plastic Packet |
Chemical Group | WP |
Form | Powder |
Crop | Sugarcane |
Chemical Composition | Diuron 80%WP |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Adama |
Packaging Size | Plastic Bottle,100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1Ltr, 1.5Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
Form | Liquid |
Formulation | EC |
Chemical Composition | Oxyfluorfen 23.5% EC |
Delivery Time | 3-6 Days |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
GALIGAN is a herbicide of the diphenyl-ether group used for selective weed control in a wide range of fruit trees, vegetables, field crops, ornamentals, forestry, sugarcane and non-crop areas.
GALIGAN controls a wide spectrum of annual broadleaf and grass weeds. It is used in pre-plant, pre-emergence and post-emergence applications in bulb crops like onion field crops.
GALIGAN has prolonged residual activity and shows negligible leaching.
Minimal rain or irrigation is necessary to activate the residual effect.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Adama |
Packaging Size | Plastic Bottle,500ml, 1Ltr, 5Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
Chemical Composition | Glyphosate 41% SL |
Form | Liquid |
Formulation | SL |
Target Weed Species | Axonopus Compressus, Cynodon Dactylon, Imperata Cylindrica, Polygonum Perfoliatum,Paspalum Scrobic |
Delivery Time | 3-6 Days |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Glyphogan is a non-selective, non-residual post-emergence herbicide which is absorbed by foliage and translocated throughout plant.
Glyphogan is very effective for use on many annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds, as well as on many tree and woody bush species in cropland and non-crop sites.
Glyphogan may be applied for general weed control in non-crop industrial, recreational and public areas, and in farmstead weed control. It may also be used to control unwanted vegetation in row crops, vine crops and tree orchards.
Glyphogan is of low toxicity to birds and aquatic organisms and non-toxic to bees.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Adama |
Country of Origin | India |
Packaging Size | 100gm,250gm,500gm |
Chemical Composition | Metribuzin 70% WP |
Form | Powder |
Formulation | WP |
Packaging Type | Plastic Pack |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Metriagan belongs to triazinone group. It is selective systemic herbicide, absorbed predominantly by the roots, but also by the leaves, with translocation acropetally in the xylem.
Metriagan is both a contact and residual herbicide for the control of annual broad leaved weeds and grasses in potatoes.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Adama |
Country of Origin | India |
Packaging Size | 200ml,400ml,800,2Ltr |
Chemical Composition | Propaquizafop 2.5%+ Imazethapyr 3.75% w/w ME |
Form | Liquid |
Formulation | ME |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Adama |
Packaging Size | 1 Kg |
Country of Origin | India |
Chemical Composition | Ametryne 80% WDG |
Packaging Type | Plastic Packet |
Form | Powder |
Formulation | WDG |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Bayer |
Country of Origin | India |
Packaging Size | 100gm |
Packaging Type | Plastic Pack |
Chemical Group | WP |
Formulation | Powder |
Chemical Composition | Metribuzin 70 WP (70% w/w) |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Sencor 70 WP is a selective herbicide which effectively controls weeds in wheat, potato, soybean, tomato and sugarcane. It is a pre-emergent herbicide and can also be applied as early post. It has broad spectrum control of both grasses and broad-leaf weeds.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Application | Agriculture |
Country of Origin | India |
Packaging Size | 100gm,250gm,500gm |
Chemical Composition | Metribuzin 70 % WP |
Formulation | WP |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Barrier is a selective, systemic and contact herbicide of Triazinone group, which inhibits the Photosynthesis at Photo-system II.
Preparation of spray solution:- Mix required quantity of Barrier in a small quantity of water to make thick paste. Keep it for 5-10 minutes, then pour the remaining quantity of water slowly and stir it well with a rod or a wood stick.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Packaging Size | 500ml,1Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Chemical Composition | Glyphosate 41% SL |
Form | Liquid |
Formulation | SL |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Noweeed ( Glyphosate 41% SL ) is a non-selective systemic herbicide of Organophosphorus (Glycine and phosphonales) group, which inhibits the EPSP synthesis in weed plants. It controls very effectively both annual and perennial weeds. After spraying Noweed, it is absorbed by the weed plants and translocates up to roots and kills all types of weeds completely. It is also used to control weeds in plantation crops, water channels, bunds and open fields.
Glyphosate is a herbicide used in agriculture and non-crop situations for the control of a wide range of weeds. Once absorbed by the plant, glyphosate binds to and blocks the activity of the enzyme enolpyruvylshikimate.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Packaging Size | Plastic Bottle,250ml, 500ml, 1Ltr, 5Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
Form | Liquid |
Formulation | SL |
Chemical Composition | Paraquat Dichloride 24% S.L |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Packaging Size | 100ml, 1 Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Form | Liquid |
Formulation | EC |
Chemical Composition | Quizalofop-Ethyl 10% EC |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Sakura is a Selective, systemic post-emergence Grassy Herbicide. Sakura belongs to a new chemical class of Aryloxy phenoxy-propionates group. It acts as Acetyl CoA Carboxylase inhibitor . Sakura is safe for broadleaf crops. Sakura has excellent translocation activity and absorbed by leaves within one hour – rain fastness. It gets trans-located in the whole plant within one day. Weed leaves turn purplish/red within 5-8 days after Sakura application and within 10-15 days are completely killed. Sakura is safe for the operators and wildlife and it does not cause environmental hazard due to its less dose It is a CIB 9(3) registered under The Insecticides Act, 1968.
Quizalofop Ethyl is a selective systemic herbicide, has a high selectivity between grass weeds & dicotyledons crop. It is absorbed in few hours by stem and leave & conducted to the whole body of annual weeds in 24 hours, mainly accumulating in the top organs & intraformational meristem. Weeds conduct Quizalofop Ethyl rapidly to subterranean stem after administration, having its internode & growth point destroyed & lose reproductivity.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Packaging Size | 3.6gm, 18gm, 36gm |
Country of Origin | India |
Chemical Composition | Halosulfuron Methyl 75%wg |
Formulation | WG |
Crop | Sugarcane & Maize |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
SEMPRA is the first herbicide introduced in India by Dhanuka Agritech Ltd for effective control of Cyperus rotundus. It is a selective, systemic, post-emergence herbicide with WDG formulation for effective control of Cyperus rotundus from nuts in Sugarcane and Maize crop.SEMPRA has strong systemic action i.e. moves in both ways through Xylem & Phloem. SEMPRA stops the metabolic functions of Cyperus by stopping formation of the amino acids (Valin, Isoleucine, Lucine) which is responsible for the protein required for growth of the Cyperus resulting in yellowing of its leaves & nuts becoming darker & further destroying it in 14-30 days. SEMPRA has been extensively evaluated and recommended by institution/ universities like Vasantdada Sugar Institute (Maharashtra), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Regional Research Station (Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar), Agricultural Research Station (University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharward), U. P. Council of Sugarcane Research, Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology, Faizabad (UP).SEMPRA is internationally registered in countries like India, Japan, U.S.A, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia & South Africa.
SEMPRA, being a sulfonylurea group herbicide, inhibits acetolactate synthase (ALS), which is the first enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of the essential branched chain Amino acide (Valine, Leucine & isoleucine). Inhibition of ALS leads to the starvation of the plant (Cyperus rotundus) for these amino acids, resulting in death (killing) of weeds. For crop plants, in the grass family like maize sugarcane, etc. there is no effect of Sempra as these plant have strong MFO (mixed function oxidases) which breaks down the herbicide molecule to acid metabolite forms
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Dhanuka |
Packaging Size | 500gm |
Country of Origin | India |
Packaging Type | Plastic Pack |
Form | Powder |
Chemical Composition 2,4-D Sodium technical 80% is based on 2,4- Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. It is | 2,4-D Sodium technical 80% |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
2,4-D Sodium technical 80% is based on 2,4- Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. It is a selective Herbicide and controls broad leaf weeds, sedges germinating grass seedlings in crops, such as sugracane, wheat, maize, citrus, grapes, tea, orchards.
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Indofil |
Packaging Size | 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1Ltr |
Country of Origin | India |
Chemical Composition | Propaquizafop 10% EC |
Crop | Black Gram, Soyabean |
Chemical Formula | C22H22CIN3O5 |
Form | Liquid |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Society is a member of Aryloxyphenoxypropionatesfop (Fop) group of herbicides and systematically gets translocated to plant meristems. Society gets absorbed by the foliage within 1 hour of spraying and inhibits fatty acid synthesis (ACCease). Thus destroying vital function of plant result in chlorosis in young plant tissues, youngest leaf will show yellowing first. Drying could be observed within 3 – 4 days of spraying and ultimately collapse of entire plant (14 – 21 days).
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | Saffire |
Packaging Size | 100gm |
Country of Origin | India |
Packaging Type | Packet |
Form | Powder |
Formulation | SG |
Chemical Composition | Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate 71%SG |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Ammonium Salt Of Glyphosate 71% SG
Business Type | Supplier, Trader |
Brand Name | UPL |
Country of Origin | India |
Packaging Size | 200ml, 400ml, 1L |
Form | Liquid |
Formulation | EC |
Chemical Composition | Sodium Acifluorfen 16.5% + Clodinafop Propargyl 8% EC |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Anywhere in India |
Iris herbicide is a post-emergent broad spectrum selective herbicide for soybeans. It has quick action on weeds and is very easy to use.
Application Time – 15-25 Days after sowing when weeds are in the 2-4 Leaf Stage.
Mode of action :Post-emergent selective herbicide.
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